Convert OC-3 (Computer Connection Speed) to Tebibyte Per Day (Transfer Rate Per Different Time Units (older, 1024-based))

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Computer Connection Speed
tebibyte per day
Transfer Rate per Different Time Units (older, 1024-based)

This page features online conversion from OC-3 to tebibyte per day. These units belong to different measurement systems. The first one is from Computer Connection Speed. The second one is from Transfer Rate Per Different Time Units (older, 1024-based).

If you need to convert OC-3 to another compatible unit, please pick the one you need on the page below. You can also switch to the converter for tebibyte per day to OC-3.

Other Units the Values Above Are Equal To

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Basic Units of Data Transfer Rate

OC-3 to terabit per second (Tbps)
OC-3 to gigabit per second (Gbps)
OC-3 to megabit per second (Mbps)
OC-3 to kilobit per second (Kbps)
OC-3 to bit per second (bps)
Units: terabit per second (Tbps)  / gigabit per second (Gbps)  / megabit per second (Mbps)  / kilobit per second (Kbps)  / bit per second (bps)
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Byte-based Transfer Rate Units (current, 1000-based)

Current definition of kilobyte is 1000 bytes, not 1024 bytes as it was commonly considered earlier. This section provides conversion for current 1000-based definition of kilobyte.
OC-3 to terabyte per second (TB/s)
OC-3 to gigabyte per second (GB/s)
OC-3 to megabyte per second (MB/s)
OC-3 to kilobyte per second (KB/s)
OC-3 to byte per second (B/s)
Units: terabyte per second (TB/s)  / gigabyte per second (GB/s)  / megabyte per second (MB/s)  / kilobyte per second (KB/s)  / byte per second (B/s)
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Byte-based Transfer Rate Units (older, 1024-based)

Older common definition of kilobyte assumed 1024 bytes. To avoid confusion IEC international standard of 1998 renamed 1024-based units to be using prefixes kibi, mebi, gibi instead of kilo, mega, giga.
OC-3 to tebibyte per second (TiB/s)
OC-3 to gibibyte per second (GiB/s)
OC-3 to mebibyte per second (MiB/s)
OC-3 to kibibyte per second (KiB/s)
OC-3 to byte per second (B/s)
Units: tebibyte per second (TiB/s)  / gibibyte per second (GiB/s)  / mebibyte per second (MiB/s)  / kibibyte per second (KiB/s)  / byte per second (B/s)
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Data Transfer Time (current, 1000-based)

Current definition of kilobyte is 1000 bytes, not 1024 bytes as it was commonly considered earlier. This section provides conversion for current 1000-based definition of kilobyte.
OC-3 to second per megabyte
OC-3 to second per gigabyte
OC-3 to minute per megabyte
OC-3 to minute per gigabyte
OC-3 to hour per megabyte
OC-3 to hour per gigabyte
Units: second per megabyte  / second per gigabyte  / minute per megabyte  / minute per gigabyte  / hour per megabyte  / hour per gigabyte
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Data Transfer Time (older, 1024-based)

Older common definition of kilobyte assumed 1024 bytes. To avoid confusion IEC international standard of 1998 renamed 1024-based units to be using prefixes kibi, mebi, gibi instead of kilo, mega, giga.
OC-3 to second per mebibyte
OC-3 to second per gibibyte
OC-3 to minute per mebibyte
OC-3 to minute per gibibyte
OC-3 to hour per mebibyte
OC-3 to hour per gibibyte
Units: second per mebibyte  / second per gibibyte  / minute per mebibyte  / minute per gibibyte  / hour per mebibyte  / hour per gibibyte
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Transfer Rate per Different Time Units (current, 1000-based)

Current definition of kilobyte is 1000 bytes, not 1024 bytes as it was commonly considered earlier. This section provides conversion for current 1000-based definition of kilobyte.
OC-3 to terabyte per minute
OC-3 to gigabyte per minute
OC-3 to megabyte per minute
OC-3 to kilobyte per minute
OC-3 to byte per minute
OC-3 to terabyte per hour
OC-3 to gigabyte per hour
OC-3 to megabyte per hour
OC-3 to kilobyte per hour
OC-3 to byte per hour
OC-3 to terabyte per day
OC-3 to gigabyte per day
OC-3 to megabyte per day
OC-3 to kilobyte per day
OC-3 to byte per day
OC-3 to terabyte per week
OC-3 to gigabyte per week
OC-3 to megabyte per week
OC-3 to kilobyte per week
OC-3 to byte per week
Units: terabyte per minute  / gigabyte per minute  / megabyte per minute  / kilobyte per minute  / byte per minute  / terabyte per hour  / gigabyte per hour  / megabyte per hour  / kilobyte per hour  / byte per hour  / terabyte per day  / gigabyte per day  / megabyte per day  / kilobyte per day  / byte per day  / terabyte per week  / gigabyte per week  / megabyte per week  / kilobyte per week  / byte per week
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Transfer Rate per Different Time Units (older, 1024-based)

Older common definition of kilobyte assumed 1024 bytes. To avoid confusion IEC international standard of 1998 renamed 1024-based units to be using prefixes kibi, mebi, gibi instead of kilo, mega, giga.
OC-3 to tebibyte per minute
OC-3 to gibibyte per minute
OC-3 to mebibyte per minute
OC-3 to kibibyte per minute
OC-3 to byte per minute
OC-3 to tebibyte per hour
OC-3 to gibibyte per hour
OC-3 to mebibyte per hour
OC-3 to kibibyte per hour
OC-3 to byte per hour
OC-3 to tebibyte per day
OC-3 to gibibyte per day
OC-3 to mebibyte per day
OC-3 to kibibyte per day
OC-3 to byte per day
OC-3 to tebibyte per week
OC-3 to gibibyte per week
OC-3 to mebibyte per week
OC-3 to kibibyte per week
OC-3 to byte per week
Units: tebibyte per minute  / gibibyte per minute  / mebibyte per minute  / kibibyte per minute  / byte per minute  / tebibyte per hour  / gibibyte per hour  / mebibyte per hour  / kibibyte per hour  / byte per hour  / tebibyte per day  / gibibyte per day  / mebibyte per day  / kibibyte per day  / byte per day  / tebibyte per week  / gibibyte per week  / mebibyte per week  / kibibyte per week  / byte per week
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Computer Connection Speed

For some connections download and upload speeds differ. In these cases the highest one (typically download) is used.
OC-3 to V.92 dial-up modem
OC-3 to ISDN
OC-3 to GPRS
OC-3 to CMDA 1x
OC-3 to EDGE
OC-3 to BlueTooth 1
OC-3 to BlueTooth 2.0
OC-3 to CDMA 1xEV-DO
OC-3 to CDMA 1xEV-DO rev.A
OC-3 to WiFi 802.11b
OC-3 to CDMA 1xEV-DO rev.B
OC-3 to ADSL
OC-3 to USB 1
OC-3 to ADSL2
OC-3 to T1
OC-3 to E1
OC-3 to Ethernet 10BASE-T
OC-3 to Cable modem
OC-3 to DS-3
OC-3 to WiFi 802.11g
OC-3 to Ethernet 100BASE-T
OC-3 to OC-3
OC-3 to LTE
OC-3 to USB 2.0
OC-3 to WiFi 802.11n
OC-3 to OC-12
OC-3 to Ethernet 1000BASE-T
OC-3 to OC-48
OC-3 to WiFi 802.11ac MU-MIMO (4 antennas)
OC-3 to USB 3.0
OC-3 to WiFi 802.11ac MU-MIMO (8 antennas)
OC-3 to OC-192
OC-3 to Ethernet 10GBASE-T (IEEE 802.3an-2006)
OC-3 to OC-768
OC-3 to Ethernet 40GBASE-T (IEEE 802.3bq-2016)
OC-3 to OC-1536
OC-3 to OC-3072
Units: V.92 dial-up modem  / ISDN  / GPRS  / CMDA 1x  / EDGE  / BlueTooth 1  / BlueTooth 2.0  / CDMA 1xEV-DO  / CDMA 1xEV-DO rev.A  / WiFi 802.11b  / CDMA 1xEV-DO rev.B  / ADSL  / USB 1  / UMTS HSDPA  / ADSL2  / T1  / E1  / Ethernet 10BASE-T  / Cable modem  / DS-3  / WiFi 802.11g  / Ethernet 100BASE-T  / OC-3  / LTE  / USB 2.0  / WiFi 802.11n  / OC-12  / UMTS HSPA+  / Ethernet 1000BASE-T  / OC-48  / WiFi 802.11ac MU-MIMO (4 antennas)  / USB 3.0  / WiFi 802.11ac MU-MIMO (8 antennas)  / OC-192  / Ethernet 10GBASE-T (IEEE 802.3an-2006)  / OC-768  / Ethernet 40GBASE-T (IEEE 802.3bq-2016)  / OC-1536  / OC-3072

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Does really exist since 1996? In fact it's even older. We launched the first version of our online units converter in 1995. There was no JavaScript there and all conversions had to be done on server. The service was slow. A year later the technology allowed us to create an instant units conversion service that became the prototype of what you see now.
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