Convert Chous (χοῦς) (Ancient Greek (Attic) Liquid Measure) to Xestēs (ξέστης, Roman Sextarius) (Ancient Greeek (Attic) Dry Measure)

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chous (χοῦς)
Ancient Greek (Attic) Liquid Measure
xestēs (ξέστης, Roman sextarius)
Ancient Greeek (Attic) Dry Measure

This page features online conversion from chous (χοῦς) to xestēs (ξέστης, Roman sextarius). These units belong to different measurement systems. The first one is from Ancient Greek (Attic) Liquid Measure. The second one is from Ancient Greeek (Attic) Dry Measure.

If you need to convert chous (χοῦς) to another compatible unit, please pick the one you need on the page below. You can also switch to the converter for xestēs (ξέστης, Roman sextarius) to chous (χοῦς).

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We only include several basic units here for you to convert historical units to contemporary ones. A more comprehensive list of metric units is available on the main volume conversion page.
chous (χοῦς) to cubic meter (m³)
chous (χοῦς) to cubic centimeter (cc)
chous (χοῦς) to cubic millimeter (mm³)
chous (χοῦς) to liter (l)
chous (χοῦς) to milliliter (ml)
Units: cubic meter (m³)  / cubic centimeter (cc)  / cubic millimeter (mm³)  / liter (l)  / milliliter (ml)
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U.S. Measure

We only include several basic units here for you to convert historical units to contemporary ones. A more comprehensive list of U.S. units is available on the main volume conversion page.
chous (χοῦς) to barrel (liquid)
chous (χοῦς) to barrel (dry)
chous (χοῦς) to bushel (bu)
chous (χοῦς) to gallon (liquid) (gal)
chous (χοῦς) to gallon (dry) (gal)
chous (χοῦς) to pint (liquid) (pt)
chous (χοῦς) to pint (dry) (pt)
chous (χοῦς) to fluid ounce (oz)
Units: barrel (liquid)  / barrel (dry)  / bushel (bu)  / gallon (liquid) (gal)  / gallon (dry) (gal)  / pint (liquid) (pt)  / pint (dry) (pt)  / fluid ounce (oz)
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Ancient Greeek (Attic) Dry Measure

Greeks mostly used dry capacity units to measure grain. The basic capacity unit was the kyathos. As most ancient measures these units changed over time and varied across different regions of Grece.
chous (χοῦς) to medimnos (μέδιμνος)
chous (χοῦς) to hekteus (ἑκτεύς, a sixth of a medimnos)
chous (χοῦς) to hēmiekton (ἡμίεκτον)
chous (χοῦς) to choinix (χοῖνιξ)
chous (χοῦς) to xestēs (ξέστης, Roman sextarius)
chous (χοῦς) to kotylē or hēmina (κοτύλη, ἡμίνα)
chous (χοῦς) to oxybathon (ὀξυβαθον)
chous (χοῦς) to kyathos (κύαθος)
chous (χοῦς) to kochliarion (κοχλιάριον)
Units: medimnos (μέδιμνος)  / hekteus (ἑκτεύς, a sixth of a medimnos)  / hēmiekton (ἡμίεκτον)  / choinix (χοῖνιξ)  / xestēs (ξέστης, Roman sextarius)  / kotylē or hēmina (κοτύλη, ἡμίνα)  / oxybathon (ὀξυβαθον)  / kyathos (κύαθος)  / kochliarion (κοχλιάριον)
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Ancient Greek (Attic) Liquid Measure

A common unit in both liquid and dry capacity throughout historic Greece was the cotyle or cotyla whose absolute value varied from one place to another between 210 ml and 330 ml.
chous (χοῦς) to metrētēs (μετρητής, amphora)
chous (χοῦς) to keramion (κεράμιον, Roman amphora)
chous (χοῦς) to chous (χοῦς)
chous (χοῦς) to xestēs (ξέστης, Roman sextarius)
chous (χοῦς) to kotylē, tryblion or hēmina (κοτύλη, τρύβλιον, ἡμίνα)
chous (χοῦς) to tetarton, hēmikotylē (τέταρτον, ἡμικοτύλη)
chous (χοῦς) to oxybathon (ὀξυβαθον)
chous (χοῦς) to kyathos (κύαθος)
chous (χοῦς) to konchē (κόγχη)
chous (χοῦς) to mystron (μύστρον)
chous (χοῦς) to chēmē (χήμη)
chous (χοῦς) to kochliarion (κοχλιάριον, spoon)
Units: metrētēs (μετρητής, amphora)  / keramion (κεράμιον, Roman amphora)  / chous (χοῦς)  / xestēs (ξέστης, Roman sextarius)  / kotylē, tryblion or hēmina (κοτύλη, τρύβλιον, ἡμίνα)  / tetarton, hēmikotylē (τέταρτον, ἡμικοτύλη)  / oxybathon (ὀξυβαθον)  / kyathos (κύαθος)  / konchē (κόγχη)  / mystron (μύστρον)  / chēmē (χήμη)  / kochliarion (κοχλιάριον, spoon)
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Ancient Roman Measure (Liquid and Dry)

Roman jar (amphora quadrantal) was the main unit to measure both liquids and dry substances in Roman empire. It was defined to be equal to one cubic pes (Roman foot). The weight of water to fill the amphora was roughly equal to one Greek talent, an ancient unit of weight.
chous (χοῦς) to culeus (hose)
chous (χοῦς) to amphora quadrantal (Roman jar, bushel)
chous (χοῦς) to urna (urn)
chous (χοῦς) to modius castrensis (military modius)
chous (χοῦς) to modius (peck)
chous (χοῦς) to semimodius (half of a modius)
chous (χοῦς) to congius (a half-pes cube)
chous (χοῦς) to sextarius (a sixth)
chous (χοῦς) to hemina (pint)
chous (χοῦς) to cotyla (cup)
chous (χοῦς) to triens (one third of a sextarius)
chous (χοῦς) to quartarius (quart, forth part)
chous (χοῦς) to sextans (one sixth of a sextarius)
chous (χοῦς) to acetabulum (small cup)
chous (χοῦς) to cyathus (shot or dose)
chous (χοῦς) to ligula (spoonful)
Units: culeus (hose)  / amphora quadrantal (Roman jar, bushel)  / urna (urn)  / modius castrensis (military modius)  / modius (peck)  / semimodius (half of a modius)  / congius (a half-pes cube)  / sextarius (a sixth)  / hemina (pint)  / cotyla (cup)  / triens (one third of a sextarius)  / quartarius (quart, forth part)  / sextans (one sixth of a sextarius)  / acetabulum (small cup)  / cyathus (shot or dose)  / ligula (spoonful)
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Biblical and Talmudic Dry Measure (Old Testament)

Israelite capacity measure tightly corresponded to Babylonian system. The basic unit was log (לג) that was similar to Babylonian mina.
chous (χοῦς) to kor (כור)
chous (χοῦς) to letek (לתך)
chous (χοῦς) to ephah (איפה)
chous (χοῦς) to se'ah (סאה)
chous (χοῦς) to kav (קב)
chous (χοῦς) to log (לג)
chous (χοῦς) to bezah (egg-size)
chous (χοῦς) to kezayit (olive-size, כְּזַיִת)
Units: kor (כור)  / letek (לתך)  / ephah (איפה)  / se'ah (סאה)  / kav (קב)  / log (לג)  / bezah (egg-size)  / kezayit (olive-size, כְּזַיִת)
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Biblical and Talmudic Liquid Measure (Old Testament)

Exact conversion for Biblical units is rarely certain. There were more units mentioned in Talmud, many of them from foreign origin, e.g. Persia or Greece. Unfortunately the capacity of those units is currently unknown.
chous (χοῦς) to bath
chous (χοῦς) to hin
chous (χοῦς) to log
Units: bath  / hin  / log
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Old Spanish Dry Measure

chous (χοῦς) to cahíz
chous (χοῦς) to fanega
chous (χοῦς) to cuartilla (¼ of a fanega)
chous (χοῦς) to celemín
chous (χοῦς) to medio
chous (χοῦς) to cuartillo (¼ of a celemín)
chous (χοῦς) to ochavo
Units: cahíz  / fanega  / cuartilla (¼ of a fanega)  / celemín  / medio  / cuartillo (¼ of a celemín)  / ochavo
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Old Spanish Liquid Measure

chous (χοῦς) to moyo
chous (χοῦς) to cántara
chous (χοῦς) to arroba
chous (χοῦς) to azumbre
chous (χοῦς) to botella
chous (χοῦς) to cuartillo
chous (χοῦς) to copa
chous (χοῦς) to panilla (for olive oil)
chous (χοῦς) to cortadillo
Units: moyo  / cántara  / arroba  / azumbre  / botella  / cuartillo  / copa  / panilla (for olive oil)  / cortadillo
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Old Portuguese Dry Measure

chous (χοῦς) to moio
chous (χοῦς) to fanga
chous (χοῦς) to alqueire
chous (χοῦς) to quarta
chous (χοῦς) to oitava
chous (χοῦς) to maquia
chous (χοῦς) to selamim
chous (χοῦς) to meio-selamim (half-selamim)
chous (χοῦς) to quarto de selamim (quarter of selamim)
Units: moio  / fanga  / alqueire  / quarta  / oitava  / maquia  / selamim  / meio-selamim (half-selamim)  / quarto de selamim (quarter of selamim)
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Old Portuguese Liquid Measure

chous (χοῦς) to tonel
chous (χοῦς) to pipa
chous (χοῦς) to almude
chous (χοῦς) to cântaro
chous (χοῦς) to pote
chous (χοῦς) to canada
chous (χοῦς) to quartilho
chous (χοῦς) to meio-quartilho (half-quartilho)
chous (χοῦς) to quarto de quartilho (quarter of quartilho)
Units: tonel  / pipa  / almude  / cântaro  / pote  / canada  / quartilho  / meio-quartilho (half-quartilho)  / quarto de quartilho (quarter of quartilho)
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Old French

There were many local variations; the following are Quebec and Paris definitions
chous (χοῦς) to minot
chous (χοῦς) to litron
Units: minot  / litron
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Old Russian Dry Measure

chous (χοῦς) to cetverik (mera)
chous (χοῦς) to vedro
chous (χοῦς) to garnetz
Units: cetverik (mera)  / vedro  / garnetz
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Old Russian Liquid Measure

chous (χοῦς) to vedro
chous (χοῦς) to shtoff
chous (χοῦς) to chetvert (quart)
chous (χοῦς) to vine bottle
chous (χοῦς) to vodka bottle
chous (χοῦς) to charka
chous (χοῦς) to shkalik
Units: vedro  / shtoff  / chetvert (quart)  / vine bottle  / vodka bottle  / charka  / shkalik

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