Finger. Conversion Chart

This converter features contemporary units of length. There is also a special converter for historical units of length you might want to visit for ancient, medieval and other old units that are no longer used.
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1This is a conversion chart for finger (British Imperial Measure before 1963). To switch the unit simply find the one you want on the page and click it.
You can also go to the universal conversion page.
2Enter the value you want to convert (finger). Then click the Convert Me button.
Your value gets instantly converted to all other units on the page.
3Now find the unit you want and get the conversion result next to it. It's your answer.

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  1. Enter the value of your unit .
  2. Touch "Convert Me" button.
  3. Get instant resuls.
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Do you want rounded off figures or scientifically precise ones? For everyday conversions we recommend choosing 3 or 4 significant digits. If you want maximum precision, set the number to 9

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1 234 567.89space

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finger to kilometer (km)
finger to meter (m)
finger to decimeter (dm)
finger to centimeter (cm)
finger to millimeter (mm)
finger to micrometre (micron)
finger to nanometer (nm)
finger to ångström
Units: kilometer (km)  / meter (m)  / decimeter (dm)  / centimeter (cm)  / millimeter (mm)  / micrometre (micron)  / nanometer (nm)  / ångström
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The American System (US Customary Units) and British Imperial Measures

American weights and measures are based on units used in Britain prior to 1826, when imperial system was officially established. Until 1960-1963 American and British units of length were different in 2 parts per million. In the middle of 20th century it started causing problems and the governments of the two countries agreed to refine the measures to exactly match. Since then Great Britain and the United States were using the same measures of length. In the U.S. the old standard of foot was retained with the name US survey foot.

From 1995 the UK adopted metric units for general use. The only imperial measures of length that can be officially used now are miles, yards, feet and inches for road traffic signs.

finger to league
finger to mile (mi)
finger to land
finger to furlong
finger to bolt
finger to chain
finger to pole
finger to rod (rd)
finger to perch
finger to yard (yd)
finger to feet and inches (x'y")
finger to span
finger to hand
finger to inch (in)
finger to line
finger to mil
finger to microinch
Units: league  / mile (mi)  / land  / furlong  / bolt  / chain  / pole  / rod (rd)  / perch  / yard (yd)  / foot (ft)  / feet and inches (x'y")  / span  / hand  / inch (in)  / line  / mil  / microinch
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British Imperial Measure before 1963

The first English official measurement standards were defined in 15th century. British system of units, known as imperial units, was established in 1824. The British Weights and Meausurements Act of 1824 repealed all existing British measures legislation and redefined existing units. The 1963 Weights and Measures Act standartized the international measures.
finger to league
finger to mile (mi)
finger to land
finger to skein
finger to bolt
finger to shackle
finger to furlong
finger to chain
finger to rope
finger to pole
finger to goad
finger to ell
finger to yard (yd)
finger to pace
finger to cubit (cu)
finger to foot (ft)
finger to span (sp)
finger to nail
finger to shaftment
finger to hand (hd)
finger to palm (plm)
finger to inch (in)
finger to digit
finger to barleycorn
finger to poppyseed
finger to line
finger to button
finger to caliber
finger to thou (th)
finger to mil
Units: league  / mile (mi)  / land  / skein  / bolt  / shackle  / furlong  / chain  / rope  / pole  / goad  / ell  / yard (yd)  / pace  / cubit (cu)  / foot (ft)  / span (sp)  / nail  / shaftment  / hand (hd)  / palm (plm)  / inch (in)  /  / digit  / barleycorn  / poppyseed  / line  / button  / caliber  / thou (th)  / mil
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US Surveyors' Measure

finger to furlong
finger to Ramsden's (engineers') chain (ch)
finger to Gunter's (surveyors') chain (ch)
finger to Gurley's chain (ch)
finger to Gunter's (surveyors') pole
finger to Gunter's (surveyors') yard
finger to Gunter's (surveyors') foot (ft)
Units: furlong  / Ramsden's (engineers') chain (ch)  / Gunter's (surveyors') chain (ch)  / Gurley's chain (ch)  / Gunter's (surveyors') pole  / Gunter's (surveyors') yard  / Ramsden's (engineers') link  / Gunter's (surveyors') link  / Gurley's link  / Gunter's (surveyors') foot (ft)
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International Nautical Measure

The international nautical mile was defined by the First International Extraordinary Hydrographic Conference, Monaco in 1929. This is the only definition in widespread current use, and is the one accepted by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Before 1929 different countries had different definitions, and the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States did not immediately accept the international value.
finger to nautical league (naut.leag)
finger to nautical mile (naut.mi)
finger to cable length (cbl)
finger to fathom (fath)
Units: nautical league (naut.leag)  / nautical mile (naut.mi)  / cable length (cbl)  / fathom (fath)
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US Nautical Measure

These measures were abandoned in favor of the international nautical measures in 1954.
finger to US nautical mile
finger to US fathom (fath)
Units: US nautical mile  / US cable length  / US fathom (fath)
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British (Imperial) Nautical Measure

These measures were abandoned in favor of the international nautical measures in 1970.
finger to Admiralty mile
finger to Admiralty cable length
Units: Admiralty mile  / Admiralty cable length
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Spanish Customary Units Still In Use Today

These units are still actively used in some countries of Latin America. Their values vary from country to country. You can find more old Spanish customary units on our historical lengths page.
finger to cuadra of Argentina
finger to cuadra of Bolivia
finger to cuadra of Chile
finger to cuadra of Colombia
finger to cuadra of Ecuador
finger to cuadra of Nicaragua
finger to cuadra of Paraguay
finger to cuadra of Uruguay
finger to vara of Argentina
finger to vara of Brazil
finger to vara of Chile
finger to vara of Colombia
finger to vara of Costa Rica
finger to vara of Cuba
finger to vara of Dominican Republic
finger to vara of Ecuador
finger to vara of El Salvador
finger to vara of Guatemala
finger to vara of Honduras
finger to vara of Mexico
finger to vara of Nicaragua
finger to vara of Panama
finger to vara of Paraguay
finger to vara of Peru (peruana)
finger to vara of Peru (española)
finger to vara of Uruguay
finger to vara of São Tomé and Principe
finger to vara of Venezuela
Units: cuadra of Argentina  / cuadra of Bolivia  / cuadra of Chile  / cuadra of Colombia  / cuadra of Ecuador  / cuadra of Nicaragua  / cuadra of Paraguay  / cuadra of Uruguay  / vara of Argentina  / vara of Brazil  / vara of Chile  / vara of Colombia  / vara of Costa Rica  / vara of Cuba  / vara of Dominican Republic  / vara of Ecuador  / vara of El Salvador  / vara of Guatemala  / vara of Honduras  / vara of Mexico  / vara of Nicaragua  / vara of Panama  / vara of Paraguay  / vara of Peru (peruana)  / vara of Peru (española)  / vara of Uruguay  / vara of São Tomé and Principe  / vara of Venezuela
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finger to ri (里)
finger to cho (町)
finger to jo (丈)
finger to hiro (尋)
finger to ken (間)
finger to shaku (尺)
finger to sun (寸)
finger to bu (分)
finger to rin (厘)
finger to mo (毛, 毫)
Units: ri (里)  / cho (町)  / jo (丈)  / hiro (尋)  / ken (間)  / shaku (尺)  / sun (寸)  / bu (分)  / rin (厘)  / mo (毛, 毫)
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Chinese units of 1930

finger to li (市里)
finger to yin (引)
finger to zhang (市丈)
finger to chi (市尺)
finger to cun (市寸)
finger to fen (市分)
finger to li (釐 or 厘)
finger to hao (毫)
finger to si (丝)
finger to hu (忽)
Units: li (市里)  / yin (引)  / zhang (市丈)  / chi (市尺)  / cun (市寸)  / fen (市分)  / li (釐 or 厘)  / hao (毫)  / si (丝)  / hu (忽)
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Chinese units of 1915

finger to li (里)
finger to yin (引)
finger to zhang (丈)
finger to bu (步)
finger to chi (尺)
finger to cun (寸)
finger to fen (分)
finger to li (釐 or 厘)
finger to hao (毫)
finger to si (丝)
finger to hu (忽)
Units: li (里)  / yin (引)  / zhang (丈)  / bu (步)  / chi (尺)  / cun (寸)  / fen (分)  / li (釐 or 厘)  / hao (毫)  / si (丝)  / hu (忽)
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Hong Kong units

finger to cek (尺)
finger to tsun (寸)
finger to fan (分)
Units: cek (尺)  / tsun (寸)  / fan (分)
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Thai units

Some of these units are still in use even though metric system was formally established in 1923. Before the metrication the old units were standartied to exact metric values.
finger to yot (โยชน์, league)
finger to sen (เส้น, rope)
finger to wa (วา, fathom)
finger to sok (ศอก, cubit)
finger to khuep (คืบ, span)
finger to nio (นิ้ว, finger)
finger to krabiat (กระเบียด, quarter of a finger)
Units: yot (โยชน์, league)  / sen (เส้น, rope)  / wa (วา, fathom)  / sok (ศอก, cubit)  / khuep (คืบ, span)  / nio (นิ้ว, finger)  / krabiat (กระเบียด, quarter of a finger)
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finger to dioptre (diopter)
Units: dioptre (diopter)
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Geographical (German)

finger to geographical mile
Units: geographical mile
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Computer Equipment

A rack unit, U or RU is a unit of measure that describes the height of equipment designed to mount in a 19-inch rack or a 23-inch rack. The 19-inch (482.6 mm) or 23-inch (584.2 mm) dimension refers to the width of the equipment mounting frame in the rack including the frame; the width of the equipment that can be mounted inside the rack is less.
finger to rack unit (U)
finger to horizontal pitch (HP)
Units: rack unit (U)  / horizontal pitch (HP)
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Typographical (British and U.S. - ATA system)

finger to pica
finger to pica [PostScript]
finger to point (pt)
finger to point [PostScript] (pt)
finger to pixel (px)
finger to twip
Units: pica  / pica [PostScript]  / point (pt)  / point [PostScript] (pt)  / pixel (px)  / twip
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Typographical (Europe - Didot system)

finger to cicero
finger to point (pt)
Units: cicero  / point (pt)
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European footwear unit

finger to Paris point
Units: Paris point
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finger to red shift (z)
finger to parsec (pc)
finger to light year
finger to astronomical unit (au)
finger to light minute
finger to light second
Units: red shift (z)  / parsec (pc)  / light year  / astronomical unit (au)  / light minute  / light second
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Grace Hopper's units of distance

Grace Hopper is famous for her nanoseconds visual aid. People used to ask her why satellite communication took so long. She started handing out pieces of wire that were just under one foot long (11.80 inches) — the distance that light travels in one nanosecond. She also passed out packets of pepper, calling the individual grains of ground pepper picoseconds. She also used these aids to illustrate why computers had to be small to be fast.
finger to light microsecond
finger to light nanosecond
finger to light picosecond
Units: light microsecond  / light nanosecond  / light picosecond
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Natural units

In physics, natural units are physical units of measurement based only on universal physical constants. The origin of their definition comes only from properties of nature and not from any human construct.
finger to Planck length (L)
Units: Planck length (L)

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Does really exist since 1996? In fact it's even older. We launched the first version of our online units converter in 1995. There was no JavaScript there and all conversions had to be done on server. The service was slow. A year later the technology allowed us to create an instant units conversion service that became the prototype of what you see now.
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