Convert Tolä (Indian Units (Akbar System)) to Mayon/mayong (มายน/มะยง) (Thai Units)

This converter features contemporary units of weight. There is also a special converter for historical units of weight you might want to visit for ancient, medieval and other old units that are no longer used.
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Indian units (Akbar system)
mayon/mayong (มายน/มะยง)
Thai units

This page features online conversion from tolä to mayon/mayong (มายน/มะยง). These units belong to different measurement systems. The first one is from Indian Units (Akbar System). The second one is from Thai Units.

If you need to convert tolä to another compatible unit, please pick the one you need on the page below. You can also switch to the converter for mayon/mayong (มายน/มะยง) to tolä.

Other Units the Values Above Are Equal To

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tolä to kilotonne
tolä to tonne
tolä to kilonewton (on Earth surface) (kN)
tolä to metric centner
tolä to metric quintal
tolä to kilogram (kg)
tolä to newton (on Earth surface) (N)
tolä to carat (ct)
tolä to gram (g)
tolä to centigram
tolä to milligram (mg)
tolä to microgram (mcg)
tolä to atomic mass unit (amu)
Units: kilotonne  / tonne  / kilonewton (on Earth surface) (kN)  / metric centner  / metric quintal  / kilogram (kg)  / newton (on Earth surface) (N)  / carat (ct)  / gram (g)  / centigram  / milligram (mg)  / microgram (mcg)  / atomic mass unit (amu)
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Avoirdupois (U.S. / British)

tolä to long ton (UK)
tolä to short ton (US)
tolä to kilopound, kip (mass)
tolä to long hundredweight (UK)
tolä to British centner
tolä to short hundredweight (US)
tolä to stone (st)
tolä to stone, pounds, and ounces (X st Y lbs Z oz)
tolä to pound (lb)
tolä to ounce (oz)
tolä to dram (dr)
tolä to grain (gr)
Units: long ton (UK)  / short ton (US)  / kilopound, kip (mass)  / long hundredweight (UK)  / British centner  / short hundredweight (US)  / stone (st)  / stone, pounds, and ounces (X st Y lbs Z oz)  / pound (lb)  / ounce (oz)  / dram (dr)  / grain (gr)
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tolä to pound
tolä to ounce (ozt)
tolä to pennyweight (dwt)
tolä to carat
tolä to grain
tolä to mite
tolä to doite
Units: pound  / ounce (ozt)  / pennyweight (dwt)  / carat  / grain  / mite  / doite
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The traditional English apothecaries' system was a subset of Roman weight system except that Roman libra (pound) was slightly lighter. In 1858 apothercaries' system was officially abolished in in the U.K. in favour of the standard Avoirdupois system. However, in the United States the apothecaries' system remained in use until 1971, when it was officially abolished in favor of the metric system.
tolä to pound (℔, ″)
tolä to ounce (℥)
tolä to dram (drachm) (ʒ)
tolä to scruple (℈)
tolä to grain (gr)
Units: pound (℔, ″)  / ounce (℥)  / dram (drachm) (ʒ)  / scruple (℈)  / grain (gr)
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Natural units

In physics, natural units are physical units of measurement based only on universal physical constants. The origin of their definition comes only from properties of nature and not from any human construct.
tolä to Planck mass (M)
Units: Planck mass (M)
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Indian units (Akbar system)

The first uniform system of units was introduced in India by the third imperor Akbar I in 16th century. Before him weights and measures varied from region to region. Unfortunately, the new measures did not replace all the previous ones, they just added another system.

Akbar system of units was based on barley corn (Jau) for both weigth and length. It was widely used in India until adoption of the metric system in 1958. The weight units were slightly altered in 1833 to align with the British system. Here we provide conversion for the units after this change.

tolä to candy
tolä to maund
tolä to dhurra
tolä to ralk
tolä to sèr
tolä to powa
tolä to chittak
tolä to parah
tolä to tank
tolä to tolä
tolä to māshā
tolä to rattī
Units: candy  / maund  / dhurra  / ralk  / sèr  / powa  / chittak  / parah  / tank  / tolä  / māshā  / rattī
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tolä to kan, kanme (貫, 貫目)
tolä to kin (斤)
tolä to hyakume (百目)
tolä to monnme (匁)
tolä to fun (分)
Units: kan, kanme (貫, 貫目)  / kin (斤)  / hyakume (百目)  / monnme (匁)  / fun (分)
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Chinese units since 1959

tolä to dan (市担 / 擔)
tolä to jin (市斤)
tolä to liang (市两)
tolä to qian (市钱)
tolä to fen (市分)
tolä to li (市厘)
tolä to hao (毫)
tolä to si (絲)
tolä to hu (忽)
Units: dan (市担 / 擔)  / jin (市斤)  / liang (市两)  / qian (市钱)  / fen (市分)  / li (市厘)  / hao (毫)  / si (絲)  / hu (忽)
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Chinese units between 1930 and 1959

tolä to dan (擔 / 担)
tolä to jin (市斤)
tolä to liang (市兩)
tolä to qian (市錢)
tolä to fen (市分)
tolä to li (市釐)
tolä to hao (毫)
tolä to si (絲)
Units: dan (擔 / 担)  / jin (市斤)  / liang (市兩)  / qian (市錢)  / fen (市分)  / li (市釐)  / hao (毫)  / si (絲)
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Chinese units of 1915 before 1930

tolä to jin (斤)
tolä to liang (兩)
tolä to qian (錢)
tolä to fen (分)
tolä to li (釐)
tolä to hao (毫)
Units: jin (斤)  / liang (兩)  / qian (錢)  / fen (分)  / li (釐)  / hao (毫)
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Thai units

Some of these units are still in use even though metric system was formally established in 1923. Before the metrication the old units were standartied to exact metric values. The baht (current Thai currency) originated as a corresponding measure of silver. The smaller units in this section were corresponding silver coins.
tolä to hap (หาบ)
tolä to chang (ชั่ง)
tolä to tamlueng (ตำลึง)
tolä to baht (บาท)
tolä to baht in gold trading
tolä to mayon/mayong (มายน/มะยง)
tolä to salueng (สลึง)
tolä to fueang (เฟื้อง)
tolä to seek (ซีก)
tolä to siao/pai (เสี้ยว/ไพ)
tolä to ath (อัฐ)
tolä to solos (โสฬส)
tolä to bia (เบี้ย)
Units: hap (หาบ)  / chang (ชั่ง)  / tamlueng (ตำลึง)  / baht (บาท)  / baht in gold trading  / mayon/mayong (มายน/มะยง)  / salueng (สลึง)  / fueang (เฟื้อง)  / seek (ซีก)  / siao/pai (เสี้ยว/ไพ)  / ath (อัฐ)  / solos (โสฬส)  / bia (เบี้ย)
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Hong Kong

tolä to picul (tam)
tolä to catty (kan)
tolä to tael (leung)
tolä to mace (tsin)
tolä to candareen (fan)
tolä to tael troy
tolä to mace troy
tolä to candareen troy
Units: picul (tam)  / catty (kan)  / tael (leung)  / mace (tsin)  / candareen (fan)  / tael troy  / mace troy  / candareen troy

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Does really exist since 1996? In fact it's even older. We launched the first version of our online units converter in 1995. There was no JavaScript there and all conversions had to be done on server. The service was slow. A year later the technology allowed us to create an instant units conversion service that became the prototype of what you see now.
To conserve space on the page some units block may display collapsed. Tap any unit block header to expand/collapse it.
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? Please enter stone, pounds and ounces, e.g. 7st 4lbs 5oz

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